Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Mexican Thanksgiving!

Logan's wonderful Dad and Step-mom took the whole fam-damily to Mazatlan, Mexico for Thanksgiving and it was PARADISE! We sat in the sun, rode ATV's on the beach, ate some amazing food, shopped, and had an insane amount of fun! I'm sad to be back in the frozen tundra I call Idaho Falls, but we couldn't stay in Mexico forever! (Even though I really wanted to!) THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH JERRY AND APRIL!!!!!! We will always remember our wonderful Thanksgiving in Mazatlan! Here are some fun pictures from the trip!

Erica and I waiting to eat some dinner at The Bistro

Logan and I parasailing!

Andy and Makoy taking a dip in the pool!

Dirty and happy after a fun ATV ride on the beach!

So happy together in Mexico!

Jerry and April!!

Yummy drinks! (we got a lot of funny looks everytime we told them not to put alcohol in our drinks!)

Laying in the sun!

Yay for turtles!

Covered in dirt during the ATV excursion!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Something to be thankful for!

Well last night Logan, Dylan (brother-in-law), Annie (sister-in-law), Jerry (Father-in-law), April (mother-in-law), Erika (sister-in-law), and I were all boarding a plane in Denver for our final leg of our journey home from our fabulous Thankgiving in Mexico. We had a crazy experience that reminded us how thankful we all are to be together and alive. About 10 minutes after take off from Denver, the flight attendant came over the speaker with a scary announcement.... "Attention Ladies and Gentlemen... the pilot has just informed me that our landing gear is not functioning correctly and we are going to prepare for an emergency landing back in Denver shortly." When she ended her announcement you could hear a pin drop in the plane. The flight attendant proceeded to review all of the safety "brace" postions you must assume during the crash landing and where to exit the plane as soon as it was safe. Then she asked if anyone who was a doctor, paramedic, or in the military to please move to an exit row to help evacuate and care for those injured. At this point my heart is racing and my whole body is shaking. All I could do was hold onto Logan and tell him I love him. All around us there were passengers calling and texting family members to tell them what was going on and that they loved them. It was so scary to think that you were moments away from crashing and that if things went badly it would be our final moments on this earth. For the sake of shortening this post I will tell you all that we landed.... everyone on the plane was safe...... and we all lived to see another day. But it was an experience that humbled me and made me remember to appreciate every single moment I have on this earth with Logan and our families. Don't take life for granted and never miss a single moment to tell the people you care about that you love them... you never know when your time is up!

Now that I got that off my chest, I am happy to say that we had the BEST time ever in Mexico and I will be posting pictures of our trip as soon as I can find my camera adapter! Adios friends!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

50 questions about us!

I was blog-stalking again today and one of my good friends posted this cute questionaire that I decided to steal and copy! So here it is... 50 questions about Logan and I and the crazy/fantastic life that we live!

1. When is your "engagement" anniversary?

-April 28, 2008. He proposed to me to me on the golf course!

2. When is your "marriage" anniversary:

-August 8, 2008 (8-8-08 cute huh!?!)

3. How long have you known your spouse:

-5 1/2 years

4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged?

-For two years before he left on his mission and about 4 months after he got home!

5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?

-I met Logan for the first time at my big brother Eric's wedding... its actually kind of a funny story but I will safe that for another time!

6. What is your spouse's full name:

-Logan James Cooper

7. Do you have any children:

-No, but they are on the agenda in the next few years!

8. How many - boys/girls:

-None yet.. but Logan wants all boys so that means we will have a house full of girls!

9. Do you have any house pets:

-Yes we have the cutest little Morkie in the world named Kalu!

11. Do you live in the country or town/city:


12. What are some of your favorite activities together:

-Hanging out and playing games with friends and family, watching The Office, going on vacation, and doing anything that invloves being together!

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:

-Kauai, California, Island Park, and soon to be Mexico!

14. When did you first kiss?

-In Logan's Mom's basement was "technically" the first kiss, but I consider our first kiss to be on Travis Collette's couch... long story

15. What church do you attend?

-The Church of Latter Day Saints

16. Did you get married in a church?

-Nope, Idaho Falls Temple

17. What town is your current address at:


18. Do you work or stay at home:

-I'm a working woman!

19. Where did you go on your honeymoon:

-Kauai, it was BLISS!

20.What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?

-ummm.... hahah I gave Logan a funny looking homemade bracelet when he left on his mission

21.How long have you been together?

-5 1/2 years total, but we have been happily married for almost 15 months!

22. How long did you know each other before you started dating?

-a week?

23. Who asked who out?

-Logan asked me!

25.Where do you each work or go to school?

-I work for an Orthodontist in Idaho Falls and Logan goes to school at BYU-I

26. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

-When Logan was on his mission for 2 years... but it made us stronger and I'm so happy that I never stopped writing to him!

27. Did you go to the same school?

-Yep! IFHS

28. Are you from the same home town?


29. Who is smarter?

-We are both smart in our own ways, but Logan is definately more book-smart than me!

30. Who is more sensitive?

-Me for sure... Logan is a great man for putting up with all of my crap!

31.Where do you eat out most as a couple?

-Taco Wagon probably

32. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

-Kauai, or real soon it will be Mexico... I'm not sure which one is farther away!

33.Who has the craziest exes?

-Not sure...

34. what attracted you about him/her?

-He hates it when I say this, but when I first saw him I thought he looked just like an Abercrombie Model! haha Now he is just the most handsome man I have ever seen!

35. Who does the cooking?

-Mostly me, but Logan has been known to whip up a tasty meal!

36. Who is more social?

-Logan, I can be pretty shy

37. Who is the neat-freak?

-I have my OCD habits but I think Logan is a little cleaner than me!

38. Who is more stubborn?

-Good question... I'm not sure!

39. Who hogs the bed?

-Logan... but he will say that it is my pillows that take up the bed but for some reason I am usually the one who is falling off!

40. Who wakes up earlier?

-Logan, I'm not much of a morning girl

41. Where was your first date?

-Our first official date was at Applebee's, but we did a lot of dating and hanging out with friends as a couple before that!

42.Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?

-Probably me but I am definately NOT sure about that!

43. Do you get flowers often?

-Not often, thats why it is so special when I get them! But he is really good at suprising me with other things like hot cocoa and new clothes, etc...etc...! (he spoils me!)

44. How do you spend the holidays?

-With family! Duh!?

45. Who is more jealous?

-Not sure...?

46. How long did it take to get serious?

-Not long!

47. Who eats more?

-Depends on the day!

48. Who does the laundry?

-Mostly me but Logan is really good about helping out!

49. Who’s better with the computer?


50. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples:

-Never pass up an opportunity to show/tell each other how much you love eachother!
This was fun to do and took me down memory lane! I tag anyone who reads this to do it too!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My new obsession!

So Logan and I went to Seagull Book the other night to scope out a few early Christmas presents for the family, and I came across this little piece of heaven...
I flipped through it for a little while and couldn't leave the store without it! If you don't have one I must tell you that your kitchen is not complete without it.. All of the recipes are easy and look delicious! I have tried quite a few of them and every recipe has been absolutely wonderful. There were even a few recipes from Brazil/Africa that Logan recognized from his mission. The cookbook is fun to just sit and read because it tells where all the recipes come from and a little story about them. Buy it, try it, and I promise you will love it! I told a friend about it and she said "I have to get one! I have always wanted to learn how to cook like a mormon! They always make the best food!" If you already have this book let me know what your favorite recipes are so I can try them!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Logan!

Yesterday was my handsome husbands 23rd birthday! We celebrated by having a fun family BBQ at the park across the street from our house, and here are some pictures from the festivities!This is the very sloppy birthday cake I made... haha I promise that not all of my cakes look like a 5 year old made it!

Logan got spoiled with lots of presents! He got some clothes, shoes, and a new fly fishing rod from the family, and a big ole' grill from me! This is my little cousin Addison running away with one of Logan's birthday cards!

And when the party was over Kalu somehow ended up with all of the party balloons! He looked so funny running around the park with all of these balloons! If there would have been a few more I'm pretty sure that he would have floated right out of the park! We had a blast and I am so happy that we were able to celebrate with family! Happy birthday Logan! I love ya!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Time to get motivated!!

Lately I have been getting really worried about the fact that Logan and I do not have much of a food storage. I have had numerous dreams about some huge disaster coming and all Logan and I have for ourselves is a few cans of food and a can of wheat for bread... basically we end up being totally screwed in these dreams and I am getting pretty freaked out! I feel like everywhere I look there are signs telling me "GET PREPARED!! GET PREPARED!!" And it seems like every Sunday at church the lesson is about being prepared and I need to step up to the plate ASAP! I know that getting prepared is so important but it is so hard to do on the TINY little budget we have to live on. So, I am going to make a goal to make food storage and preparation one of my main priorities! And I can't back out of it because now I have told all of you bloggers out there and I can't make myself a liar now can I? So blogging world... mark my words! I will be better at being prepared and make Logan and I ready for whatever comes our way! YAY for food storage!

(PS- Does anyone have any good tips on how to get started on food storage? I can use the help!)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summertime News

So I have been a horrible blogger for the last few months and I am just going to give everyone a quick recap on our lives this summer! There really hasn't been very much going on so this really won't be too long. I finished my dental assisting internship at the beginning of July and got hired at Elison Orthodontics. It has been the best opportunity and I love going to work everyday! Logan finished his internship at Teton Radiology and I was so happy to see that he really enjoyed getting a first hand look at how the radiology business runs. Now Logan and I are just enjoying our free time together before school starts and Logan has so much homework that he can't remember who I am! We had lots of fun by getting out of the house and going whitewater rafting, fishing, and playing lots of volleyball and cards with family and friends! Here is a picture of the big ole' fishy that I caught at Logan's grandparents' pond!

The biggest event of our summer has to be our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe that a whole year has come and gone already! I can't believe how much our love has grown for eachother and how happy we are! This has been the best year!!! So, we treated ourselves by getting a room at the Little America in Salt Lake and going to Lagoon and doing some serious shopping. It was so fun and we had a blast hanging out with some friends at Lagoon and spending some quality time together. We went to dinner at our new favorite restaurant TUCANOS! It is an all you can eat brazilian grill and is the experience is so fun that I can barely describe it. If you get the chance, go to Tucanos, you won't regret it!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I have lots to update everyone on! Life has been crazy since I last blogged and so much has happened. First, we finally moved into our townhouse! It is so wonderful to have more room and privacy compared to our first apartment. And the overall best part of the townhouse is our backyard for our dog Kalu! I have planted plenty of flowers and now that all of our stuff is moved in, it really feels like home! I will have to remember to take some pictures of our townhouse and post them as soon as I can!
Second, I finally graduated! It feels great to be done with all of the book work and study time! Now all I have to do is finish my externship hours and I am a full blown dental assistant! I am externing at Elison Orthodontics right now and I hope to be done with all of my hours at the beginning of July! Here are a few pictures of me with a few classmates, Logan, my parents and my teacher.

A few days after graduation Logan and I went down to Arizona with the family to help Logan's brother Andy and his wife Megan move into their new house. The boys did a lot of heavy lifting and the girls did a lot of painting and decorating while it was 110 degrees outside! By the end of the week we were all tired and ready to get out of the heat. The best part about it all was getting the chance to go to the Pheonix Zoo. I have never been to a big zoo before so it was really fun and exciting to see so many new animals. I loved it! Here are some pictures from the zoo!

On our way into the zoo, the infamous Annie Cooper took this photo for us, there is also a funny thing that happened while she took this photo, but I don't have enough time to explain it all.

My nephew Makoy had a blast at the zoo, especially in his fancy new hat that his mom and dad bought for him!

Logan in front of the otter exibit!

Makoy and I in front of the baboon exibit! It was one of the best exibits because the baboon came right up to the window to see us!

As you can see, Logan loved the big lizard exibit!

We had a lot of fun in the monkey exibit! We got really close to some spider monkeys and then got in trouble for giving them some flowers to play with. The monkeys seemed to enjoy the flowers but the zoo keepers weren't very happy with us! You can just call us the zoo criminals!!

The Pheonix Zoo was so fun and I can't wait to go to a big zoo again! Hopefully the next time we go it won't be 109 degrees outside! This is all I have time to blog for now but I will be sure to let you all know when something exciting happens again!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


So I have three words for you all... I HATE MOVING!!!! Logan and I found a beautiful townhouse that we are moving into at the beginning of next week and I am so excited about that! BUT... the bad part about it all is that we have to be out of the apartment we live in now TODAY!! Logan and I are stressing out pretty bad. We moved stuff onto trailers and trucks all day yesterday, but we still have more stuff to box up and move. And we have to have the apartment spotless before the landlord comes over so we can get all of our deposit back. I'm STRESSED! I am so happy and excited to move into a bigger place with a backyard for my doggie... but I don't know if I can handle this whole moving thing. If I live through this experience, I will be sure to put up some pictures of our new house for you all to see!

Friday, April 17, 2009


So Logan just finished up another crazy semester at BYU-I and it was just as stressful as ever! But I just wanted to write a quick post to congragulate him on yet another 4.0 semester! Whoo-hoo!!! I am SO SO SO proud of him! Logan worked his butt off and it really paid off in the end! Good job Logan! Keep up the good work!

your wifey

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egg Extravaganza!!

Easter is one of my favorite holidays and this year was the best yet! Every year my parents put on a great easter egg hunt and it never fails to be entertaining! The rules have changed a little bit from your average egg hunt, and the most difficult one is that you have to be tied to your partner. This makes it a little bit harder when you have got your eyes on the prize but you are both looking in different directions! Although Logan and I sucked at finding the "money-eggs," we made out like bandits in the soda area! This is because my amazing mom goes above and beyond by covering the whole back yard with not only eggs, but soda and candy too! So its not hard to say that this year did not fail to be as entertaining as ever! Here are a few of my favorite pitcures from the big hunt!
My sister Kalee and her friend Zach had a hard time getting into the tiny corner behind the power box without some major stretching!

As you can see, my brother Cory is super excited when Katelyn got her hands on something good!

Logan and Cory raced to the top of this tree to grab what they thought was a money egg... but it wasn't a money egg, and the only thing Katelyn and I got out of it was a few bruises!

Logan is really focused on winning! INTENSE!

Here is my favorite picture! From this picture you can see how hard it is when you and your partner are going in different directions while you are tied together!

Here is my awesome family after the blood-bath we call the Beck family easter egg hunt! This year's hunt was awesome and I can't until next year!

Friday, April 3, 2009

A few from Kalu

I was just flipping through our camera and found some funny pictures of our dog Kalu that I thought I should share!
Kalu was helping Logan with his studies by falling asleep on his book!

And then he decided that my neck was a good place to crash for the night! He really doesn't understand the concept of personal space! I know both of these pictures are of him sleeping but I just had to share! Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Today I was checking out some of my favorite blogs. So I clicked on Darci Gardner's because I Love reading her blog! (yes... I blog-stalk her regularly!) Well, in one of her recent posts she was talking about another blog by one of her good friends, so I clicked on the little link thing to take me to the blog and all I have to say is.. I'm inspired! Darci's friend started this thing called a "happy book". From what I could see it is a book that she writes 5 things in it a day that made her happy! (I think that's what it was anyways... if not than she inspired me to have a good idea of my own!) I am going to make my own happy book so that I can always remeber the special happy things that happen to me every day! So I have to say THANK YOU to Darci Gardner and her wonderful friend that I have never met! You inspired me today, and I have been long overdue for some good inspiration! Happy book here I come!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Friday the 13th really is a day for bad luck! Let me explain.... On Friday night Logan and I decided to celebrate Valentine's Day a day early because we both had to work on V-Day. I was already out and about so I met Logan at Applebee's for what was a very fun and relaxing dinner, and left in our separate cars to go home and watch Prince Caspian together. I followed Logan (he was driving our nice car, thank goodness!) in my little old Honda and we were almost home when we got split up on the dreaded 17th street. Getting split up wasnt really a big deal but when I went to switch lanes, this crazy lady in a minivan sped up to cut me off causing me to have to swerve back into my lane and rear-end the car in front of me! I didn't hit the car in front of me very hard, but for some reason my airbags went off and almost blew my head off! After the initial shock of the exploding airbags, I figured out that I had wrecked and then noticed that the entire car was full of smoke and smelled absolutely horrible! (So not only do the airbags blow your head into the backseat, but they smell like someone lit a bucket of pee on fire!) When I got out of the car I saw that I had also caused the car in front of me to rear-end the car in front of them! CRAP! Logan turned around to rescue me and help me deal with the angry people in the other cars and by the end of the night it all turned out to be ok.. Only 2 out of the 3 cars were damaged and it was only a fender-bender. The bummer part is that our Honda is considered "totaled" by the insurance company because it costs more to replace the airbags alone than what our car is worth, so we are now on a car search! If anyone has any good ideas where to look for a sturdy car for me to drive, let me know!! Now that it has been a few days after the wreck I have come to find out that I am TERRIFIED of driving now! I guess a wreck was a good but unfortunate way to teach me to watch where I am going!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

There is a new member in our little family!

We got a puppy! I have been begging Logan for a puppy since we got married and he finally buckled! Last Wednesday I asked Logan if we could go look at a puppy... I promised him that I wouldn't make him buy the puppy and all I wanted to do was look... Well we met the breeder at a gas station in Ririe and I tried my best to hide my excitement the whole way there. The moment I walked into the gas station and I saw the puppy I fell in love with it! Needless to say, Logan couldn't refuse me once he saw how attached I was and we took the puppy home with us that night! Our puppy is a Morkie (maltese-yorkie) and he is only 8 weeks old. He weighs 2lbs. 9oz. and is black and brown with little white spots on his back paws and chest! His name is Kalu. Logan picked the name from a common name on his mission in Africa. Kalu in Africa is the equivalent to "Carlos" here in the states (my parents just call him Carlos). Most of the time he is an angel, but he has his devilish moments too... For example, last night he jumped off of our bed while we were sleeping and decided that it would be a good idea to poop under the bed. You can guess that he was in A LOT of trouble when we woke up and found out what he did! Other than the occasional accident he "usually" goes to the bathroom where he is supposed to, doesn't bark, and knows just how to butter us up! He is a cuddle-bug and we can never stay mad at him for very long! We are so lucky to have him! Here are a few pictures we have of Kalu so far...

Playing with his new rope toy!

Getting caught chewing on the pillow.... he is so hard to be mad at!

Just hanging out!

His first bath... he is so little that the bathroom sink was the perfect size!

He didn't like bathtime very much...

I will post more pictures soon to keep you all updated with how he is doing!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

School Days!

Well our Christmas break is over and Logan and I are both back to the hum-drum days of school life. Logan is already neck deep in homework and is getting a little stressed out but at the end of the night he gets it all done. My classes just started this week and I am already starting to get over whelmed with all the work they are going to be this semester! We are both a little too excited for summer break even though its still 3-4 months away! But ever since we have been married it is crazy how fast time flies! Logan has already been home from his mission for a YEAR! It seems like just yesterday that he stepped off the plane. 2008 was a busy year and I hope that 2009 its just as exciting!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let's start from the beginning...

I decided that it was about time that Logan and I finally got in on this whole blog business! But just to warn you, I'm not very good at being a "blogger" yet, so bear with me on this! To give you a little background info about us, we started dating in the Fall of 2004 when Logan was a senior at Idaho Falls High School and I was a little sophomore! We dated for the majority of that school year and all the way through to when logan left on his mission in February of 2006. Logan served faithfully to the people of Cape Verde, Africa for two years and came home in January 2008. We started dating the moment he got home and were married on August 8th, 2008! We now live in a cozy 2 bedroom apartment in Ammon, Idaho and we go to school full-time! We are so so so so happy together and can't wait to see what our new life together throws at us!